Monday, July 12, 2010

New additions to the family, floors and tomatoes

Here is Aragon, our new dog, taken off the streets in our village. He was in a poor state, but is now doing extremely well. Thanks to all who kindly donated.

And this is the new kitten, who arrived as an Esme, but on closer inspection turned out to be a Ramos (Sergio).

Kitchen is coming along nicely now

So Lisa was able to make her wonderful chocolate self-sourcing pudding. IT´S FANTASTIC!!

A welcome return to Anne, Karsten and Darius, with Helene, their new baby, who spent some time here last year but didn't see much as Anne was always in the way.

We had had enough of gravel floors, so we made them all into lime ones, which dry very pale.

Here´s Claire and Tanja preparing for yet another bit of floor

Tomatoes were ripening faster than we could eat them, so we started drying them. YUMMY!!

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