Saturday, December 1, 2012

The rest of 2012

 Freak weather

followed by perfect pruning days

winter kale


Colourful windows

Total respect

Summer bath

garden doing well

 A local school visit 


Pan de higo

More harvesting

The finished product

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Max 2012

I'm not sure what was going through Max's head this year, he just needed to experiment perhaps. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Building the store room

 Marian and Maaike from Holland came to stay with us for most of this year
 and they took on the store room roof as a project.

We set out the vigas

gathered Caña from the river

laid the caña and cardboard

 and put a lime mix on top for the patio

M and M took a trip here and I built the shelves and window

 installed a door, made a bench outside
finished the interior

then they returned and installed themselves

In the autumn reinforcements arrived and we secured the bank below with a retaining wall

and the patio made a great place for yoga and acrobatics